Black Expat in Panama: black expats

Black Expat in Panama: black expats

Black expats in Panama have increased recently, with many individuals and families relocating for various reasons. Panama is known for its affordable housing, beautiful beaches, and rich cultural heritage, making it an attractive destination for those seeking a change of pace.

One of Panama’s largest Black expat communities is the Black Expats in Panama (BEIP) group, which Charlotte Van Horn started on Facebook in May 2019. The group serves as a resource for people living in or traveling to Panama and offers a trusted business directory that includes everything from travel insurance to nannies. BEIP also provides a platform for Black expats to connect and become more immersed in the Black culture of Panama.

While Panama may offer many benefits for Black expats, some challenges come with living in a foreign country. In an article by Amara Amaryah, Black expats share what they wish they knew before relocating to Panama, providing valuable insights for those considering a move. Despite the challenges, many Black expats find themselves drawn to Panama and choose to make it their home.

Understanding Panama

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Panama is located in Central America, bordered by Costa Rica to the west and Colombia to the southeast. It is known for its lush rainforests, beautiful beaches, and the Panama Canal, a man-made waterway that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Geography and Climate

Panama has a tropical climate, with temperatures ranging from 75°F to 85°F throughout the year. The country experiences two distinct seasons: the wet season, which lasts from May to November, and the dry season, which lasts from December to April. The wet season brings heavy rainfall and high humidity, while the dry season is characterized by sunny days and cooler nights.

Panama’s geography is diverse, with mountains, forests, and coastlines. The country is home to the Chiriquí Highlands, a mountain range that offers hiking, birdwatching, and stunning views of the Pacific Ocean. The coastlines are dotted with beautiful beaches like Bocas del Toro and San Blas.

Culture and Lifestyle

Panama has a rich cultural heritage, influenced by indigenous peoples, Spanish colonizers, and African slaves. The country’s official language is Spanish, but English is also widely spoken. Most of the population is Roman Catholic, but there is also a significant Protestant community.

Panamanian cuisine is diverse, influenced by African, Spanish, and Indigenous cultures. Some popular dishes include ceviche, sancocho (a hearty soup), and arroz con pollo (chicken and rice). The country also has a vibrant music scene, with genres such as salsa, reggaeton, and calypso.

Economy and Opportunities

Panama has a growing economy driven by banking, logistics, and tourism industries. The country has a stable political climate and a business-friendly environment, making it an attractive destination for foreign investment. The Panama Canal is a major source of revenue for the country, generating billions of dollars in tolls each year.

For expats, Panama offers a range of opportunities, from starting a business to working in the hospitality industry. The cost of living is relatively low, and the country has a favorable tax system for foreign residents. However, it is important to note that the job market can be competitive, and Spanish language skills are often required.

The Black Expat Experience in Panama

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Black Expat in Panama – Personal Experiences

Panama has become a popular destination for Black expats due to its warm climate, affordable cost of living, and diverse culture. Many Black expats have found a welcoming community in Panama and have enjoyed exploring the country’s natural beauty and rich history.

Black expats in Panama have reported feeling a sense of belonging and connection with the local community, especially in areas with a higher concentration of Black Panamanians. They have also found that their Panamanian neighbors have valued and appreciated their unique cultural experiences and perspectives.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Black expats have faced challenges despite the many benefits of living in Panama. Some have reported experiencing discrimination or prejudice, particularly in areas with fewer Black residents. Others have struggled with language barriers and adjusting to the local customs and way of life.

To overcome these challenges, Black expats in Panama recommend seeking out communities and organizations that cater to Black residents, such as the Black Expats in Panama group. Learning Spanish and familiarizing oneself with the local culture is also essential to better integrate into the community.

Benefits and Advantages

Despite the challenges, Black expats in Panama have found many benefits to living in the country. The warm climate and beautiful natural landscapes provide ample opportunities for outdoor activities, and the low cost of living allows for a comfortable lifestyle. Panama’s strategic location and growing economy also offer business and career growth opportunities.

Overall, the Black expat experience in Panama has positively affected many individuals. While there are challenges to overcome, the benefits of living in Panama make it a desirable destination for Black expats seeking a new adventure and a welcoming community.

Legal Aspects of Living in Panama

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Visa and Residency Requirements

Before moving to Panama, it is important to understand the visa and residency requirements. Tourists can stay in Panama for up to 180 days without a visa. Several options are available for those who plan to stay longer, including the Friendly Nations Visa, Pensionado Visa, and Self-Economic Solvency Visa. Each visa has its requirements, and it is essential to research and understand which is appropriate for your situation.

Property Ownership Laws

Foreigners have the same property ownership rights as Panamanian citizens. However, working with a reputable real estate agent and attorney is essential to ensure the property is legally owned and free of liens or encumbrances. It is also important to note that Panama’s property taxes are relatively low.

Employment Regulations

Panama has a high demand for skilled workers, and many expats work there. However, it is essential to have the appropriate work permit and visa. The process can be lengthy, and it is recommended to work with a reputable immigration attorney to ensure compliance with the country’s employment regulations.

In conclusion, living in Panama as a Black expat can be a rewarding experience. However, it is important to understand the legal aspects of living in the country to avoid any legal issues. By researching and working with reputable professionals, you can ensure a smooth transition to living in Panama.

Cost of Living in Panama – Group Views

Panama is known for its affordable cost of living, making it an attractive destination for expats. While the cost of living in Panama can vary depending on the area, lifestyle, and personal preferences, it is generally lower than in many other countries.


Housing in Panama is relatively affordable, especially compared to other countries. A one-bedroom apartment in Panama City costs around $600 to $800 per month, while a three-bedroom apartment can cost around $1,200 to $1,500. Other areas outside of Panama City, such as David or Boquete, have lower housing costs.

Food and Dining

Food and dining costs in Panama can vary depending on where you eat. Local markets and grocery stores offer affordable prices for fresh produce and other food items. Eating out at local restaurants can also be affordable, with meals costing around $5 to $10 per person. However, dining at high-end restaurants can cost significantly more.


Transportation in Panama is also affordable, with a one-way bus ticket costing around $0.25 to $0.50. Taxis are also readily available and relatively cheap, with fares starting at $2.50 and increasing based on distance. Owning a car in Panama can be expensive due to high taxes and import fees, but some expats purchase used cars to save money.

Overall, the cost of living in Panama is reasonable and can provide a comfortable lifestyle for expats. Expats can save money and enjoy all Panama offers by choosing affordable housing options, shopping at local markets, and utilizing public transportation.

Healthcare in Panama

Panama has a multi-tiered healthcare system that is accessible to all but at different cost levels. This section will discuss Panama’s public and private healthcare options for Black expats.

Public Healthcare

The public healthcare system in Panama is known as the Caja de Seguro Social (CSS). It provides healthcare services to all Panamanians and legal residents, including Black expats. Employee and employer contributions fund the CSS and provides free or low-cost healthcare services.

The CSS has a network of clinics and hospitals throughout the country, and the quality of care is generally good. However, the waiting times can be long, and the facilities can be crowded. Additionally, not all doctors and nurses in the public system speak English, which can be a barrier for Black expats who do not speak Spanish.

Private Healthcare

The private healthcare system in Panama is extensive, with many hospitals and clinics offering high-quality medical care. Private healthcare in Panama is generally affordable, and many Black expats choose to use private healthcare services instead of the public system.

The cost of private healthcare in Panama varies depending on the services needed, the hospital or clinic chosen, and the insurance coverage. Many private hospitals and clinics in Panama offer English-speaking doctors and nurses, which can be a significant advantage for Black expats who do not speak Spanish.

It is important to note that private health insurance is not mandatory in Panama, but it is highly recommended. Many health insurance companies in Panama offer plans specifically designed for expats, including Black expats.

In conclusion, Panama has a multi-tiered healthcare system offering public and private healthcare services. Black expats in Panama have access to high-quality medical care. Still, it is essential to have health insurance and to choose the right healthcare provider based on individual needs and budget.

Education in Panama

Panama offers a variety of education options for expat families, from public schools to international schools. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right education for your children.

Public Education

Public schools in Panama are free and open to all children, including expats. However, the quality of education can vary greatly depending on the region and the school. Some public schools may need more resources and overcrowded classrooms, which can lead to a lower quality of education.

International Schools

International schools in Panama offer Western education and are popular for expat families. These schools typically follow an American or British curriculum and offer classes in English. They also often have smaller class sizes and more resources than public schools.

Some of the most popular international schools in Panama include:

  • The International School of Panama
  •  Balboa Academy
  •  Oxford International School
  •  King’s College Panama

International school tuition can be expensive. However, many ex-pat families find that the benefits of international education are worth the cost.

Choosing the proper education for your children in Panama will depend on your family’s needs and budget. It’s essential to research your options thoroughly and visit schools in person before deciding.

Social Life and Networking

As a Black expat in Panama, you will find plenty of opportunities to socialize and network with like-minded individuals. Here are some of the ways to connect with others in the community.

Communities and Groups

There are several communities and groups in Panama that cater to Black expats. One such group is Black Expats in Panama (BEIP), which was started as a Facebook group in May 2019. The group aims to connect Black expats and potential clients of Sisterlocks® in Panama. BEIP also organizes events and activities for its members.

Another community is the Afro-Diaspora Association of Panama, which aims to promote the cultural and social development of the Afro-Panamanian community. The association organizes cultural events, workshops, and seminars throughout the year.

Events and Activities

Panama offers a variety of events and activities for Black expats to enjoy. One popular event is the annual Afro-Caribbean Festival, which celebrates the culture and heritage of the Afro-Caribbean community in Panama. The festival features live music, dance performances, and food vendors.

Another popular activity is salsa dancing. Panama is known for its vibrant salsa scene; plenty of salsa clubs and classes are throughout the city. Joining a salsa class is a great way to meet new people and learn new skill.

Additionally, there are several networking events throughout the year, such as the Panama Black Business Expo, which brings together Black business owners and entrepreneurs in Panama. Attending these events is a great way to connect with other professionals in the community.

Black expats have plenty of opportunities to socialize and network in Panama. Whether you’re interested in joining a community group, attending cultural events, or networking with professionals, there’s something for everyone.


In conclusion, Panama is becoming an increasingly popular destination for Black expats. With its welcoming culture, affordable cost of living, and beautiful weather, it’s easy to see why so many people are making this country their new home.

One of the biggest draws for Black ex-pats in Panama is the thriving community of fellow ex-pats. Organizations like Black Expats in Panama provide information and resources for those looking to move, from trusted business directories to social events and meetups.

Another benefit of living in Panama is exploring Afro-Panamanian culture and history. From the vibrant street art of El Chorrillo to the delicious Afro-Caribbean cuisine found throughout the country, there are countless ways to immerse yourself in this rich and diverse culture.

Of course, like any move to a new country, there are also challenges to consider. Black expats in Panama may face issues with language barriers, cultural differences, and navigating the country’s complex bureaucracy. However, these challenges can be overcome with the proper preparation and mindset.

Overall, Panama offers a unique and exciting opportunity for Black expats looking to start a new chapter in their lives. With its thriving community, rich culture, and beautiful surroundings, it’s no wonder that more and more people are choosing to call this country home. Tags : what is Black August, What is washington august, what is panama van

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Where are some of the best places for black expats to live in Panama?

According to various Black expat groups, some of the favorite locations for Black expats to live in Panama include Panama City, David, Boquete, and Bocas del Toro. These areas offer a variety of amenities, including access to healthcare, schools, and entertainment.

What cultural events celebrate black Panamanian culture?

One of the most significant cultural events celebrating Afro-Panamanian culture is the Congo dance, performed during the annual Carnival celebrations. Other events include the Festival of Black Ethnicity, which takes place in October, and the Black Christ Festival in Portobelo.

Who are some famous black expats that have lived in Panama?

Some famous Black expats who have lived in Panama include Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican political leader and activist, and Paul Robeson, the American singer, actor, and civil rights activist.

What resources are available for black expats living in Panama?

Various resources are available for Black expats living, including Black Expats in Panama (BEIP), a community organization providing information and support to Black expats. Additionally, several Facebook groups offer advice and tips on living in Panama as a Black expat.

What are some of the challenges faced by black expats living in Panama?

Some challenges Black expats living in Panama face include language barriers, cultural differences, and discrimination. Researching and preparing before relocating to Panama is essential to ensure a smooth transition.