How do you say safe travels in brazil? A Tourist guide

30 Essential Portuguese Phrases for Travelers to Brazil: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Say “Safe Travels” and More: 30 Essential Portuguese Phrases for Your Trip to Brazil

  1. Safe Travels
  • In Portuguese: Boa viagem
  • Use When: Wishing someone a good journey as you say goodbye.
  1. Do you speak English?
  • In Portuguese: Você fala inglês?
  • Use When: You need to find out if someone speaks English.
  1. Where is the bathroom?
  • In Portuguese: Onde fica o banheiro?
  • Use When: You need to locate the restroom.
  1. I would like to check in.
  • In Portuguese: Eu gostaria de fazer o check-in.
  • Use When: Arriving at your hotel and wanting to check in.
  1. Could I see the menu, please?
  • In Portuguese: Você poderia me mostrar o cardápio, por favor?
  • Use When: Asking for the menu in a restaurant.
  1. How much does it cost?
  • In Portuguese: Quanto custa isso?
  • Use When: You want to know the price of an item.
  1. Can I have the bill, please?
  • In Portuguese: Você pode me trazer a conta, por favor?
  • Use When: You’re finished with your meal and ready to pay.
  1. I need a doctor.
  • In Portuguese: Preciso de um médico.
  • Use When: You’re in need of medical assistance.
  1. Can you help me?
  • In Portuguese: Você pode me ajudar?
  • Use When: You need assistance with something.
  1. I’m lost.
    • In Portuguese: Estou perdido(a).
    • Use When: You’ve lost your way and need directions.
  2. Where is the nearest subway station?
    • In Portuguese: Onde fica a estação de metrô mais próxima?
    • Use When: You’re trying to find the closest subway station.
  3. I would like to buy a ticket.
    • In Portuguese: Eu gostaria de comprar um bilhete.
    • Use When: Purchasing tickets for transport or an event.
  4. Is this the right bus for [destination]?
    • In Portuguese: Este é o ônibus certo para [destino]?
    • Use When: Confirming you’re on the correct bus to your destination.
  5. I am allergic to [allergen].
    • In Portuguese: Sou alérgico(a) a [alérgeno].
    • Use When: Informing restaurant staff or hosts about your allergies.
  6. Do you have any rooms available?
    • In Portuguese: Vocês têm quartos disponíveis?
    • Use When: Checking for room availability at a hotel.
  7. I’d like to make a reservation.
    • In Portuguese: Gostaria de fazer uma reserva.
    • Use When: Booking accommodations or a table at a restaurant in advance.
  8. Could you call a taxi for me?
    • In Portuguese: Você poderia chamar um táxi para mim?
    • Use When: You need a taxi and are asking someone to call one for you.
  9. What time is check-out?
    • In Portuguese: Que horas é o check-out?
    • Use When: You need to know when you have to check out of your hotel.
  10. Can I have a map?
    • In Portuguese: Você pode me dar um mapa?
    • Use When: Asking for a map to navigate the area.
  11. How do I get to [destination]?
    • In Portuguese: Como eu chego em [destino]?
    • Use When: Asking for directions to a specific place.
  12. Can I pay with a credit card?
    • In Portuguese: Posso pagar com cartão de crédito?
    • Use When: You want to know if a credit card is an acceptable form of payment


  1. I’d like a room with a view.
    • In Portuguese: Gostaria de um quarto com vista.
    • Use When: Requesting a room with a scenic view at a hotel.
  2. What is the Wi-Fi password?
    • In Portuguese: Qual é a senha do Wi-Fi?
    • Use When: You need the Wi-Fi password at a hotel, café, or restaurant.
  3. Could you suggest a good restaurant?
    • In Portuguese: Você poderia sugerir um bom restaurante?
    • Use When: Looking for restaurant recommendations.
  4. Is breakfast included?
    • In Portuguese: O café da manhã está incluído?
    • Use When: You want to know if breakfast is included with your accommodation.
  5. Where can I buy a SIM card?
    • In Portuguese: Onde posso comprar um chip de telefone?
    • Use When: You need to purchase a local SIM card for your phone.
  6. I’d like to rent a car.
    • In Portuguese: Gostaria de alugar um carro.
    • Use When: You want to rent a car during your stay.
  7. Can I have a glass of water, please?
    • In Portuguese: Você pode me dar um copo de água, por favor?
    • Use When: Requesting a glass of water.
  8. I’m here on vacation.
    • In Portuguese: Estou aqui de férias.
    • Use When: Explaining the purpose of your visit.
  9. Thank you for your help.
    • In Portuguese: Obrigado(a) pela sua ajuda.
    • Use When: Expressing gratitude for assistance.

By familiarizing yourself with these phrases, your travel experience in Brazil will not only be smoother but also more enriching. Engaging with locals in their own language can open up opportunities for more authentic experiences and insights into Brazilian culture. Safe travels, or as you now know, “Boa viagem”!

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